Leopold Museum presents Prague view od Kokoschka as a new permanent loan

The masterpiece complements by Oskar Kokoschka presentation as part of the WIEN 1900 exhibition.

Another view of Oskar Kokoschka’s masterpiece enriches the permanent Vienna 1900 exhibition of the Leopold Museum with Prague - view from the garden of the monastery. From January 22nd, 2020 the oil painting sets an important permanent accent in the world's most extensive museum permanent Kokoschka presentation.

The valuable loan from an international private collection was presented to the Leopold Museum in the presence of I.E. the Ambassador of the Czech Republic Ivana Červenková and Vladimír Lekeš, director and curator of the Prague Adolf Loos Apartment and Gallery. Director Hans-Peter Wipplinger and board member Agnes Husslein-Arco personally accepted the important urban landscape.

“The city view of Prague - view from the garden of the monastery of the crusaders is probably the most important representation of Prague by Oskar Kokoschka. The Leopold Museum devotes a lot of space to the expressionist's artistic work as part of the Vienna 1900 presentation. With the view of Amsterdam painted in 1925, the view of Vienna from Wilhelminenberg Castle (1931) and the self-portrait made at the easel in Dresden with the view through the studio window of the city on the Elbe, the Leopold Museum can now do the Prague vedute significantly expand the range of presentation of Kokoschka's cityscapes. With the rooms dedicated to Oskar Kokoschka and the presentations of the world's largest collections by Egon Schiele and Richard Gerstl, the Leopold Museum offers a unique overview of the multifaceted nature of Austrian Expressionism. ”

Hans-Peter Wipplinger

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